Building Power

To Protect The PLACES

and PEOPLE We Love

help Maintain and grow a climate

When we founded the 100% Campaign in 2018, we had one goal in mind—passing the 100% Clean Energy standard.  At the time, only two states had passed similar legislation. It was a big goal, and as you probably know, we achieved it in 2023. The Minnesota Legislature passed the bill, and Governor Tim Walz signed it into law,  setting 2040 as our finish line for getting to 100% fossil-free energy.

However, a 100% Clean Energy and Just Transition is only possible when all of us – everyday Minnesotans, working families, climate refugees, frontline communities, and the workers making the transition happen – band together to do what it takes to get there.  A just transition for Minnesota means transforming everything—we get to decide what the future looks like, together. We get to create new systems that place people at the center. 

We know that in order to protect our democracy and organize a climate majority behind a bold, people-centered agenda, we cannot do it alone. So this year, 100% and Unidos MN are coming together to launch the Future Fund, a people-powered PAC committed to support climate and just transition champions across the state. We'll work to maintain and grow a climate-majority, ensuring that every Minnesotan, no matter where they live or how much money they have, gets the just, sustainable, and fossil-free future they  deserve.

Our PAC will allow every day folks to build power to reorient rooms that disproportionately favor corporate interests. Our focus is on the state level in Minnesota, where we’re deeply connected and uniquely positioned to get climate champions elected. We know how much it matters to have the right candidates in the right places, and that running on climate looks different in different places. 

Your contribution will not only help to ensure that proven just transition and climate champions are elected and re-elected, but that real climate action stays on the agenda at the legislature in 2024 and beyond, so we can build the future that we know is possible, the one that we deserve.